It was midnight, but the light from the moon lit up her room so that she could easily mistake it as being earlier in the evening. The rest of the village was asleep, as far as she could tell... but it was not so easy for her to sleep when rumors of werewolves had been the subject at supper.
Nobody in the town had visited with each other since Cody and Gabba died. Cody had been savagely ripped apart in his sleep by a murderer, and Gabba took his own life the next morning after he had heard the news. Although the town seemed to frown on their unusually close friendship, they did not take kindly to the news of a murderer and the way they seemed to go about murdering. Now she was hearing a noise outside of her window, and she decided that she would peak... but very carefully as to not be spotted.
There was a wolf, but she recognized it's face. Meg is the wolf, the look on her face was giving her away! The town must be warned! However, another wolf seemed to be crawling out of the shadows, and the little girl ducked quickly to avoid giving the position inside her bedroom away. If they were to see her, they would surely eat her but she couldn't help but rising up to the window again for another look. She would have to identify the second wolf.
It wasn't hard, and she took pride in the fact that it was the first person she had suspected at the dinner table. Her own sister.... Madeline. Of course it's Madeline! Now the little girl had to be extra cautious, even though she suspected that Madeline would either kill her tonight, or try and blame her for being the wolf later. But wait.. yet another wolf had come around the corner... this time with a victim. It was Wendy... of course, Wendy.... and she was dragging the old lady who lived on top of the hill behind her.
The little girl could not bare to watch what happened next, and did not dare move. She did not want to make a sound, even though she doubt they could hear her over the sound of their teeth scraping against bone and digging out flesh from the poor old woman. It wasn't long till the smacking of tongues against lips and horrible howls had let her know the feast was over. She heard the wolves scurry away and decided it was safe to peak once more, but she could never prepare herself for what would happen next.
The old woman was still alive, and she seemed to murmuring to herself while pointing a stick she had found on the ground over the parts of her body that were missing. Slowly and silently, the flesh was returning to her body and when she was all done it had seemed like a miracle. The old woman had even seemed to have grown younger for a minute, but then her face twisted and contorted into the most horrible scowl the little girl had ever seen. The witch had a dead chicken that seemed to have manifested out of thin air, and she was pouring a small vile of liquid on the back of it's feathers...
sounds like a wolf wrote this
Aw man, this had me cracking up! Can't wait for more!
Loooove it....
- of course, wendy
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