Monday, July 26, 2010

Purple Rain

"That ain’t Lake Minnetonka" said the Kid, a knowing smile spreading across his face.

Appolonia’s jaw dropped as she stood shivering on the muddy shores of whatever god-forsaken lake the Kid had dragged her to. Not Lake Minnetonka? No sooner had she found the appropriate insult to hurl in the Kid’s direction than he was already revving his motorcycle, tires spinning and flinging mud all over her naked body.

“You bastard!” She turned to protect her face, mud splattering across her back.

The Kid smiled flirtatiously then revved his motorcycle again. It roared with power as he disappeared down the dirt trail leading back to the interstate, leaving Appolonia alone by the waterside.

“Oh my god. Oh my god.” She was cold, dripping wet and filthy. Abruptly, she realized that during their ride she had been so enamored by the Kid and his intoxicating personality that she wasn’t even sure where she was or how she had gotten there. No cellphone, no shoes, nothing.

The sound of the motorcycle was now a muted purr in the distance. Appolonia began to cry.

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